Creamed Honey: Regular

Tennessee raw honey whipped to a fluffy, spreadable consistency that pairs perfectly with biscuits, sweet breads, or on charcuterie boards. A timeless treat for you and your customers! We have several flavors to keep your audience coming back for more! We currently offer -Plain Jane -Cinnamon -Vanilla Bean -Strawberry Our store's most popular is the cinnamon by far. Our owner uses the vanilla bean near everyday to sweeten her coffee and her family's favorite is strawberry to top cinnamon rolls and bagels specifically with blueberry cream cheese! The possibilities are endless! Consistency may vary by order in batch. Be sure to keep creamed honey out of direct sunlight and heat to keep the consistency. If the elements get to the honey, it may get a more "runny" consistency like the classic honey. Sometimes a little time in the fridge will firm it back up depending on length of time exposed.
